Location: Independenței Blvd., no. 20
The church was made by the parishioners of the district “Ocol”, and has been for a long time a landmark for the worshippers in the area. The religious edifice was built in 1819, according to the encrustation on the floor slab. The first founder of the church was the parish clerk Iordache Lupu, followed by a list comprising “Gavril and priests Grigore, Trifan, Paraschiv, Costache Cristea and other faithful followers.”
Another highlight of the worship edifice was the bell tower - an element of uniqueness, it was only the “Sf. Gheorghe” Church in the Wallachian side of the city that presented such a tower which served as a fire observation tower.
Structurally “the church was erected to the hull of a ship, with enclosed porch, nave and altar. The building system is as usual: stone foundation and masonry walls. The porch communicates with the bridge by a wooden staircase located on the north side. The nave is crowned by the Pantocrator spire, cylindrical inside and polygonal on the exterior, with windows on each side. The facades are divided into two horizontal registers by a belt made of bricks placed on the corner and plaster profiles. Each horizontal register in turn is divided into rectangular frames of semi engaged columns which in the lower register frame the windows and in the upper one some rectangular niches depicting images of saints. The entrance is protected by a canopy made of glass and wrought iron.” (National Cultural Heritage built in Vrancea County – Museum of Vrancea).