Location: Union Square “St. John Monastery was the richest monastery in the city and by the special support given by Princes Ghica, as its foun
Location: Unirii Blvd., no. 22- 24 In 1696, prince Constantin Brancoveanu by royal decree ordered the execution of more springs for better water suppl
Location: Simion Bărnuțiu Street, no. 1 Located in the centre of the city (in the wide loop called “Gârla Hotarului”), near the municipal theat
Location: Eroilor Street, no. 4 “Saint Dumitru” Church, also known as Captain Vicol’s Church, was erected on a site donated by Toader Hobjilă a
Location: Maior Gheorghe Pastia Street, no.12 Building that lasted from the early 18th century, the “Adormirea Maicii Domnului” also knows as “D
Location: Moldova Street, no. 5 In the former street Stamatinești (today Moldova Street no. 5), “Banul Toma Stamatin” built “Sf. Vo
Location: Independenței Blvd., no. 20 The church was made by the parishioners of the district “Ocol”, and has been for a long time a landmark for
Location: Independenței Blvd., no. 46 Built up in the north of Focșani by the inhabitants of slums “Ocol and Arion”, the place of worship curren
Location: Str. Mare a Unirii, no. 6 Founded by prince Constantin Cehan Racoviță in the second part of his reign (March 1759 – March 1757), this pl
Location: Popa Șapcă Street, no. 7 Located on the border of Focsani on the previous domains of Focsani fair (“they donated to the monastery the p
Location: Cotești Street, no. 22
An important religious monument, “Sf. Gheorghe” church belongs to the Gregorian Cult and was built in the 18th
Location: Ghioceilor Street, no. 9 Place of worship dating back to the end of the 18th century, “Sf. Nicolae” - Tăbăcari Church was founded by t
Location: Vîlcele Street, no. 3
Positioned inside the Southern cemetery, there is a genuine aura of legend presiding over the church “Sf. Gheorghe
Location: Ovidenia Street, no. 9 Place of worship built in the second half of the 17th century, a great period for the county of Vrancea. The building